Came across the new case codes last night 996BBE, 996BBF, and 996BBQ. All cases that I saw had a regular Evil Twin treasure hunt. I saw four cases at one Walmart, 996BBE x3 and 996BBF x1. The 996BBE had a regular hunt in the bottom layer.. The 996BBF had the hunt in the top layer. The other Walmart had put out three cases, 996BBE x2 and 996BBF x1. The stocker had told me there were three hunts also. The other case, 996BBQ, had just come out on another pallet which he stocked. The hunt was in the top layer of the 996BBQ case code.. A lot of new 2008 stuff was also in these cases.. No $upers in any of the eight total cases.. Oh well, I will come across them..

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